07-05-2018 - 11-06-2018
E se pudesses saber mais sobre o Erasmus+ a partir de casa? Conhecer o programa sem sair da cadeira? Aprender sobre as oportuidades Erasmus+ sem pagar nada ? Agora é possível! O MOCC vai dar-te os conhecimentos e ferramentas para recorreres ao Erasmus+ e aproveitares aos máximo as oportunidades do programa - tudo isso online, num curso gratuito entre 7 de maio e 11 de junho! Are you a youth worker? A Youth leader? Working with young people or part of an informal group of young people? You have heard about Erasmus+ but you don’t know so much about it. You have already applied within Erasmus+ but haven’t been lucky this time. You would like to learn more about European youth cooperation but don’t know how to start. This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Erasmus+ is made for you! This course provides an overview of the purpose, priorities, and expected impact of the European Union’s funding programme Erasmus+: Youth. Learn how you can get involved in European youth cooperation and make a positive impact on your youth group, organisation, and community. This 5th MOOC, running from 7 May until 11 June 2018 will guide you through all three Key Actions of Erasmus+ Youth. This edition will include a brand new module on KA2 Strategic Partnerships. This course will create space for networking and building distributed knowledge about European youth cooperation and international youth work by applying funding available through the Erasmus+ Youth Programme. Course resources will include video materials on topics ranging from general Information about the Programme to specific steps about how to develop good quality projects. Specially designed quizzes will help you understand and retain essential content. Peer review will support your understanding of how the Erasmus+: Youth Programme can be beneficial to you. No prerequisites and no fees are asked but your active participation during the 3-4 hours of online courses per week is requested! You will not be alone because experienced Course facilitators will lead forum discussions, clarify questions, and contribute with feedback and guidance. Deadline para inscrições: 6 de maio Inscreve-te aqui |
13-03-2019 - 19-03-2019
18-06-2018 - 23-06-2018
Bucareste, Roménia